Saturday, September 13, 2014

Families are Forever

Sing "I have a family here on earth"

Watch the movie Earthly Father, Heavenly Father

Earthly Father, Heavenly Father

Testify of our Heavenly Fathers love for us.  That we can be a froever family.

Read this story.

The raspberries were red, ripe, and juicy. Whitney had never seen quite so many. Mom had bought several large containers when they were on sale, and now she wanted Whitney to help her make jam. Whitney loved jam on toast in the mornings or on hot rolls when they came out of the oven. Her mouth watered at the thought of the treat.
Mom lifted a sack of sugar out of the storage bucket. “Start putting the raspberries in the strainer,” she instructed. “Then run them under the water in the sink until they’re clean. Be sure to pick out any bits of leaves you find.”
Whitney filled the strainer, cleaned the berries, and dumped them into a big bowl. She refilled the strainer and went through the process again and again. It hardly felt like work to her.
After Mom finished measuring the sugar, she took lots of clean jars out of the dishwasher and stacked them on the countertop. Once the dishwasher was empty, she pulled several more jars out of a cardboard box and placed them in the dishwasher.
“Why are you doing that?” Whitney asked. “They don’t look dirty to me.”
“Some of the jars have been sitting on the shelf downstairs for a while. I just want to make sure that they are all clean before we fill them with jam.”
Mom and Whitney worked together for several hours before Dad and Wendee, Whitney’s sister, came home. “Put on some aprons and come give us a hand,” Mom called to them. Dad started mashing up the last of the berries while Wendee began labeling the finished jars.
“Honey, before you put away those jars, make sure all the lids are sealed,” Mom said to Wendee.
Whitney stopped stirring and laughed. “Sealed?” she asked. “Are they getting married or something?”
Now Dad, Mom, and Wendee laughed.
“Well,” Whitney said defensively, “Mom told you to make sure the lids are sealed. So what are you going to do? Take them to the temple?”
Wendee picked up a jar and showed her younger sister the lid. “See, the lid has to seal to the jar so the jam won’t spoil. If the lid doesn’t seal, the jam won’t last. We’re not talking about the temple.”
“Well,” Dad said, “maybe we are. Think about it—isn’t it the same with families? The ones sealed in the temple by priesthood authority can last forever. Those that aren’t sealed aren’t going to last.”
“Keep mashing the rest of those berries while you preach your sermon,” Mom said as she started spooning finished jam into the jars. Whitney reached out to steady the jars while Mom worked.
“I thought getting sealed just meant getting married,” Whitney said.
“Not exactly,” Mom explained. “A man and a woman can get married anywhere, but when they marry outside of the temple, it’s only for this life. Couples married, or sealed, in the temple can be married forever.”
“Now who’s preaching?” Dad asked with a smile.
“Sealed means linked together or hard to break apart,” Mom explained. “When you get married in the temple, you are linked eternally to your spouse and your children. We seal the lids to preserve the jam. Being sealed in the temple preserves families.”
“These berries are all mashed. What’s next?” Dad asked.
“Just take those last few jars out of the dishwasher.”
“I feel another lesson coming on,” Dad said. “See, Mom cleaned the jars before she filled them with jam. Sealing jam in a dirty jar would not work. It’s the same way with the temple. We have to be clean and worthy to enter the temple. That’s the only way the sealing counts.”
“I’m impressed,” Wendee said. “Dad, you’re pretty good.”
“So is this jam,” Mom said. “Now, who wants some before we put it all away?”
Over the next few weeks, everyone in the family enjoyed the jam. Whitney liked it best of all.
One Sunday Sister Garcia assigned Whitney to give a talk in Primary the following week. Whitney didn’t usually like giving talks because she never knew what to say. But this time was different. Whitney could hardly wait to get home and begin writing.
“What are you supposed to talk about?” Wendee asked on the way home from church.
“Well,” Whitney said, “Sister Garcia said the theme should be ‘families are forever.’ The way I look at it, forever families are a lot like making raspberry jam!”

For a treat give girls toast with raspberry jam.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Parents have a special responsibility to care for their chidlren.

Have Taylor and I write each girl a note, telling them how much we love them, and love being their mom and dad.

Have the girls that can read read their out loud, read the other girls notes to them.

Read from the Family Proclamation "Husband and wife have a solemn responsibility to love and care for each other and for their children. “Children are an heritage of the Lord” (Psalm 127:3). Parents have a sacred duty to rear their children in love and righteousness, to provide for their physical and spiritual needs, and to teach them to love and serve one another, observe the commandments of God, and be law-abiding citizens wherever they live."

Ask them how we help take care of them.

How can we as parents teach them to love and care for each other?  Observe the commandments? Be law-abiding citizens?

Thursday, September 11, 2014

We are all children of our Heavenly Father

Sing I am a child of God

Read Moses 2:27  "And I, God, created man in mine own image, in the image of mine Only Begotten created I him; male and female created I them."

Display pictures of each girl as a new born baby.  Have them pick out which baby is them.

 Ask them where they lived before they were born.
Tell them that before they were born they and all of us lived in Heaven, or pre-mortal existence with our Heavenly Father.  We are all his spirit children.
 Explain to them what a spirit is by using a glove.  A glove is like our body, it can't move all by itself.  Our hand is like a spirit.  With a spirit a body can move.  Our spirit makes our body move, our spirit makes us who we are.  together a body and a spirit make up a soul.
Give them all a mirror to look at and explain their spirit looks like their body with eyes, a nose, ear.
Because we know we are children of our Heavenly Father, we want to be like him, Jesus Christ was the perfect example of how we can act, and return to our Heavenly Father, and be with our families forever.  

Friday, September 5, 2014

Our Home a sanctuary from the world

Tell the girls about how when I was growing up some of my friends did not have a happy home like I did.  I had a friend tell me how much she loved coming to my home basue it was peaceful, she felt at home and welcome here, she could tell my parents loved us, and even loved her as my friend.

Explain what a sanctuary is.
Somewhere sacred, somewhere safe.

What are some ways we can create a home that is a sanctuary?
After they give their list, ask their dad how we can make our home a sanctuary from the world.
List ways I have strived to do this.

Elder Eran A. Call of the seventy said:

As husbands, wives, and parents, how can we avoid the pitfalls and temptations of the troubled world we live in? I offer a few time-tested and proven ways that we can be doers, and not hearers only:
  • Parents and family members should love, honor, and respect each other.
  • Attend Church meetings together regularly.
  • Read the scriptures and pray together daily.
  • Hold family home evening and have fun together.
  • Live lives of virtue and integrity so you can sleep at night, knowing you have done your best with a conscience void of offense to anyone. A virtuous life is built step by step, brick by brick. Beware of small sins that erode integrity.
  • Communicate, talk, take time for each other. A teenager comes home from a date and seems to be concerned—what a marvelous opportunity for loving parents to listen and help.
  • Faithfully pay your tithes and offerings.
  • Avoid unnecessary debt.
  • Never make major purchases nor decisions without prayer and mutual agreement as equal partners as husband and wife.
I know if we do these things our home will be a sanctuary and we will be protected by choosing the right,  

Monday, September 1, 2014

Mom and Dad have different but Important Roles in the family

Sing "The Family is of God"

With joy
1. Our Father has a family. It’s me!
It’s you, all others too: we are His children.
He sent each one of us to earth, through birth,
To live and learn here in fam’lies.
2. A father’s place is to preside, provide,
To love and teach the gospel to his children.
A father leads in fam’ly prayer to share
Their love for Father in Heaven.
3. A mother’s purpose is to care, prepare,
To nurture and to strengthen all her children.
She teaches children to obey, to pray,
To love and serve in the fam’ly.
4. I’ll love and serve my family and be
A good example to each fam’ly member.
And when I am a mom or dad, so glad,
I’ll help my fam’ly remember:
God gave us families to help us become what He wants us to be—
This is how He shares His love, for the fam’ly is of God.

 Read from the Family Proclamation,
"By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families. Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children. In these sacred responsibilities, fathers and mothers are obligated to help one another as equal partners."

Go over these more simply.
How does youd fulfill his role of providing for our family?
How does your mom fulfill her roles of nurturing her family?

Bear testimony of a mother and fathers role, that we work together as equals in our family.